Business Credit Builder Program

Develop Business Credit & Get The Funding You Deserve!

This program focuses on increasing the fundability of your business

* The $50,000 funding guarantee is based on our advisor team of Business Credit Experts assisting the client with securing several credit approvals, up to $50,000, through each tier of funding described below. If the client does not comply with the plan or practice healthy financial behaviors, funding may not be approved.

Qualify for Business Funding in your Business Name (EIN) separate from your Personal Credit!



STEP 1: Establish Your Business Credibility

Help you gain Business Listing Congruency and establish compliance items needed to start qualifying for business credit in your business name.

STEP 2: Establish Your Business Credit Reports

Help you set up accounts with the BUSINESS credit reporting agencies properly and for free to ensure you begin to build business credit history.

STEP 3: Establish “Starter” Business Credit Accounts

Over 90% of companies that offer ”vendor credit” do not report your payment history to the business credit reporting agencies. We provide you with those that do.

STEP 4: Monitor Your Business Credit Reports

Help you analyze your business credit reports to see when it’s necessary to add more tradelines or go to the next tier of business credit.

STEP 5: Establish Larger Credit Accounts

Help you set up accounts in the second of four business credit tiers that are larger and move beyond net terms in some cases.

STEP 6: Advanced Business Building Accounts

Help you set up accounts in the third of four business credit tiers that include but not limited to fleet credit and much more.

STEP 7: Acquire Revolving and Cash Business Credit Accounts

Help you establish business credit accounts through large banks, credit card companies, and alternative lenders all in your business name with potential funding ranges into the millions of dollars depending on what you qualify for.


                  PRODUCT/SERVICE FEATURE                                   VALUE

                  Business Credit Finance Suite                                       $2,500

                  Business Credit Education & Restoration                   $2,500

                  Personal Business Coaching & Advisement              $2,400

                  Access to Lending Sources in Specific Tiers              $2,000

                   ACPP Manager (12 months)                                           $800

                  Experian Smart Business Monitoring data                $600

                  Personal Debt & Budgeting Software                         $240

                  THE TRUE VALUE OF THIS SYSTEM                             $11,000+


2 ways to get started

Don’t need everything included above?

Our Business Credit Finance Suite D.I.Y. Program offers the same business building portal without the Advisor team but with the same access to all the business credit options you need today!

For ONLY $995, you can get the following:

  • Business Credit Builder D.I.Y.
  • Personal Credit D.I.Y. Kit
  • Access to ALL of the same Business Credit Tiers and information
  • Funding Specialist Team

Or get started with our No Credit Check Financing!

 Make a down payment of $250 and monthly payments of only $65/month for 24 months! No interest if paid off in one year!